One Health Students & Visiting Scholars

photo of group members showing kids how to make a mobile at a Nebraska One Health outreach event

The Nebraska One Health Group is an interdisciplinary group working collaboratively to create and implement One Health research, training, and outreach projects using local and global perspectives. Interested in joining our group? Email to join our mailing list and learn more about our upcoming meetings.

Current One Health Students, Visiting Scholars & Postdocs

Ben Ndayambaje

Ben recently completed his PhD in Applied Ecology, focusing on a One Health approach to child stunting in rural Rwanda. He's now a One Health postdoc studying zoonotic pathogen sharing in rural Rwanda communities and working on One Health partnership development with universities and institutes in Rwanda.

Marnee Roundtree

Marnee recently completed her PhD in Applied Ecology, centering her research on primate social behavior and pathogen exposure. She's now a One Health postdoc investigating viral spillover at the human-wildlife interface and developing One Health youth education extension approaches and partnerships in Nebraska.

photo of Ariel

Ariel Dawdy

Ariel is a graduate student working on outreach and science literacy through Tick Tag Go. Her current research is focused on understanding how children percieve ticks and common protective behaviors in order to better prevent the transmission of tick-transmitted diseases.

Shabani Muller

Shabani Muller is a PhD student specializing in disease ecology and One Health. His research has been devoted to exploring disease transmission between animals and humans. Currently, he is investigating agrochemical exposure in tadpoles and their surrounding environments in eastern Nebraska.

Recent One Health Students, Visiting Scholars & Postdocs

Kleidy Camela

Kleidy's MS project focused on landscape composition impacts on parasite exposure and diversity.

Dominic Cristiano

Dominic's MS project focused on perceptions of tick risk and tick-borne disease prevention behavior among hunters. He's now a One Health ORISE fellow with CDC.

Kyle Dougherty

Kyle's MS project focused on resource selection, landscape use, and disease exposure among urban red foxes in Lincoln, Nebraska. He's now a PhD candidate in the School of Natural Resources at UNL working on mountain lion ecology and health.

Ian Hoppe

Ian's MS project focused on avian parasites and social ecology in songbird populations in Australia. He's now a PhD student at Monash University in Australia working on avian behavior and health.

Rachel Williss

Interests: Science Communication, International Agriculture

Friends, Alumni & Partners

Roberto Cortinas

Associate Professor of Practice

Louise Lynch-O'Brien

Assistant Professor

Luciana Pires

Past Visiting Research Scholar

Abbey Snyder

Web & Graphics Designer

Liz VanWormer

Associate Professor

Brianne Wolf

Global Program Manager, Institute of Agricultural and Natural Resources

Interests: Global, Student Understanding of One Health, Art/Story & Science