What is One Health?
One Health brings together people with diverse backgrounds, skills, and perspectives to improve the health of humans, wild and domestic animals, plants, and our shared environments. In our increasingly connected world, we are becoming more aware of the links among human, animal, plant, and ecosystem health. Stories of these connections are now common in our news and conversations…an emerging disease moving from wildlife to people or appearing in a new part of the world, drastic loss of bees that pollinate many crops, pollutants in our wetlands and waterways, or a wildfire or hurricane that displaces people and animals, limiting access to food and clean water.
Our Vision
We envision a world where researchers, educators, and communities value the connections between human, animal, plant and ecosystem health and work together to enhance health for all.
Our Focus Areas
There are many shared One Health challenges...zoonotic diseases (diseases shared by animals and people), water quality, antimicrobial resistance, and food security. Our program supports collaborative teams working on research, training, and outreach approaches to areas including tick-borne diseases, agrochemical contamination, community health and livelihoods, and biodiversity-health connections. Learn more about the ways we are applying One Health approaches in Nebraska and beyond and explore broader One Health teams and projects at UNL and other Nebraska universities and organizations.

Research, Training & Outreach Programs
One Health Experiential Learning Program
This One Health summer field training internship brings together undergraduate students and mentors from diverse disciplines and perspectives for experiential learning linking human, animal, plant, and ecosystem health.
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Tick Tag Go
A community-powered effort to establish baseline data on tick distributions in Nebraska. Additionally, this project has a wide variety of outreach materials and activities for learners of all ages!
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The International Network for Environmental Toxoplasma Studies (INETS) is an international network of students, postdocs, and established researchers with the goal of enhancing research on the environmental transmission of the zoonotic parasite, Toxoplasma gondii.
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Find One Health Educational Resources
Explore our vast array of One Health resources for kids, students, and adults related to one health connections, ticks, bats, and more!

Support Nebraska One Health
Purchase a program t-shirt to help support the Nebraska One Health Program. All proceeds help support one health student research and activities!