One Health Illustration Series

Nebraska One Health Art & Science Series

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About the Series

This ongoing illustration series connects art and science through unique depictions of Nebraska-native animals and explores the connections between their habitat, shared environment, habitat change/land use change, and challenges that they are facing.

Illustrations in the Series


There was once a time when bison roamed freely across the plains. Habitat change and land use change has made seeing even a small bison herd extremely rare in Nebraska. What once was prairie and open land, has become cities, fenced off pastures for cattle, or fields. This change in land use also affects other animals that call the prairie their home, such as pollinators and foxes.

bison illustration by Abbey Snyder

Blanding's Turtle

The Blanding's turtle can be found in northern areas of Nebraska and parts of central and eastern United States. These turtles can be easily identified by their bright yellow chin/throat and their smiling expressions. Principle threats of Blanding's turtles in Nebraska include habitat loss and increased mortality threats from roadways and predators. Additionally, because of delayed sexual maturity in turtles, populations are less able to sustain significant disturbances and increased mortality threats.

blanding's turtle illustration by Abbey Snyder

Pallid Sturgeon

The pallid sturgeon is an endangered fish that can be found in the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. Habitat change related to water flow, such as the creation of dams, has caused a dramatic decline in populations. Dams present an obstacle in the migration, spawning, and food availability for this fish. The pallid sturgeon was listed as a federally endangered species in 1990 because of extensive habitat modification, a lack of reproduction, commercial harvest and hybridization with shovelnose sturgeon.

Pallid stergeon illustration by Abbey Snyder

Meet the Artist

Meet the Scientists